Inbound Handling

Inbound handling solutions streamline and organize the processes for bringing materials into your facility, whether they are raw materials for manufacturing, finished goods for distribution, or returned merchandise that feeds back into inventory.

How Cross-Docking Works
1.Inbound cases are unloaded from incoming trailers and placed on induction conveyors.
2.Cases are scanned to identify destination.
3.Dematic high-speed sortation systems route the cases to shipping lanes.
Convey and Transport

Storage and Buffering

More storage in less space
Improved accuracy and security
Consistent operation in ambient, freezer, or chilled environments
Flexibility for peak periods and seasonal products
Dematic storage solutions are modular, so your system can be tailored to meet your business needs. They’re also scalable, which allows your system to grow as your business grows.
Case Picking

Reduce picking labour and associated costs
Improve inventory and shipment accuracy
Maximize space utilisation in ambient, freezer, or chilled environments
Handle peak periods and seasonal products
Expand and grow as your business grows
Piece Picking

Shorten cycle time, particularly in e-Commerce
Reduce picking labour and associated costs
Improve inventory and shipment accuracy
Handle peak periods and seasonal products
Expand and grow as business grows
Outbound Handling